Impact services

At Sycada we offer several services and additional options regarding the DriveTag application to achieve and sustain optimal results. On this page you will find an overview.

Pilot & Business Case

Depending on the size of an organisation’s fleet, we recommend running a pilot of about 50-100 vehicles in order to establish the best implementation strategy before implementing DriveTag company wide. 


Before starting the pilot, a meeting takes place between project management and the DriveTag team. Based on this meeting decisions are made on what the exact implementation of the pilot will look like (e.g. the span, duration, pilot users etc.). Furthermore, mutual expectations are discussed, based on which guidelines for the pilot are set. 


An implementation strategy will be designed by program management and a DriveTag account manager, based on several ‘Sprints’. As part of this, the DriveTag account manager will make a proposal on how to plan a DriveTag rollout. 


Recommendations will be made on the internal and external narratives for generating maximum impact. The Sprints will lead to a clear implementation strategy and supported business case.

Implementation support

During the rollout, users are guided through the onboarding process.  To make sure this goes smoothly, the Customer Success team will pro-actively monitor if and where extra support is needed.


During this fase, once all users are actively using the app, a KPI baseline is set which will function as a reference point for monitoring the realisation of benefits on level of fuel, safety and costs.   


The project manager will also receive a manual which explains how DriveTag can function optimally and what their role will be in this process. A further active role in implementing the narrative and the internal communication strategy is offered as an additional service in the form implementation support. This support can be expanded with orientation training for project managers. This training will teach managers to optimally make use of the portal in order to manage the entire fleet in the long term.

KPI monitoring and coaching

To ensure DriveTag has a lasting effect, it is important to actively keep motivating the fleet’s drivers and to keep monitoring the use of the App. 


At DriveTag we have guided several implementations and gained a lot of experience with succes criteria and possible pitfalls. Our experience is that our DriveTag program manager support, both during the rollout as well as post implementation, offers additional advantages and can help boost the RoI. 


Each quarter, we will jointly review achievement and possible roadblocks using our KPI monitoring and engagement reports.  And we will propose solutions and fixes that can ensure that all drivers adopt a more mindful driving style and reap the positive results thereof. 

eLearning & Driver training

In collaboration with eDriver, Sycada offers data driven training to achieve the goals of individual drivers. Based on the reports that Sycada provides, eDriver offers various training courses to maintain the performance of the fleet over time.


e-Driver offers a combination of specific periodic micro-learning training that can be expanded with High Risk training and Safety training. It is possible to offer these training courses to the entire fleet as well as to the drivers where the most improvements can be achieved. These short video training sessions are focused on specific topics where there is room for improvement.

Mentor training

Finally, it is also possible to train individuals to become mentor drivers. e-Driver offers 2-day training courses to future mentors aka drive style ambassadors. These mentors can help guide the rest of the drivers in the fleet on the way to better mindful meter scores. By so doing, they act as ‘roles models' and ambassadors for an emerging Mindful Driving community in your company.

Driving style training

In addition, various in-vehicle, hands-on training can be used for drivers with low drive style scores. Based on collected drive style data, various training modules can be offered. These modules consist of a 2-hour 1:1 training aimed at a safe and sustainable driving style.

Read more about DriveTag

What is DriveTag?

Overview of concept and the benefits to be realized

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The Beacon

Why DriveTag is such a unique piece of technology

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The Apps

How we coach and engage the driver with relevant feedback

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There are various ways to implement DriveTag, get inspired!

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