What is DriveTag?

With DriveTag, we enable drivers everywhere to take control and empower them to reduce their personal carbon footprint and improve their safety, without having to give up driving! We’ve created a powerful product that is cost efficient, easy to install and fun to use.

DriveTag is a small, battery-powered device that you simply stick to the windscreen of your car. It measures how you drive and gives you real-time feedback via a smartphone app on how to improve your driving style. It also keeps scores and shows your performance and achievements over time.


DriveTag can save you up to 25% on fuel and make you half as likely to have an accident on the road. In addition, a mindful drive style will increase the life of you tires and brake pads with up to 30%. Not to speak about the positive impact of being much more relaxed during commuting. Why would you not want this?

How does it work?

There is a ton of technology involved but the ease of use is phenomenal. Just stick the tag on the windscreen of your car, download the app and you’re ready to go. No complex installation needed. Watch this short video, which will show you exactly how DriveTag works.


DriveTag demonstrates how innovative technology can help solve real problems.

1. Road safety

Did you know that in the EU28, road traffic accidents claim 25.600 lives per year, and leave more than 1,4 million people injured.. For each fatal casualty 30,000 near accidents happen – that is 768 mln near accidents each year! DriveTag is positively impacting driving behaviour and thereby creating safer roads and reducing the likelihood of accidents by more than 50%.

2. Sustainability

Our roadgoing vehicles account for more than 25% of CO2 emissions. In EU28, we tank our vehicles with 341 billion liters per year. Most large enterprises have now committed to serious CO2-reduction targets. For many companies, those targets cannot be achieved without addressing the CO2 footprint of their vehicle fleet. DriveTag offers a low cost, easy to use technology to realise your sustainability targets, whilst respecting the privacy and driving pleasure of drivers.

3. Vehicle TCO

More than 40% of the total cost of a vehicle is related to how people drive (Fuel 20%, tires, brake pads, repairs 15%, insurance 8%). DriveTag has proven to reduce tyre and brake pad wear by up to 30% and reduce fuel costs with up to 25%. That means you can save a lot of money, time and energy just by using this little device.


A suboptimal drive style and road distraction increase aggressive driving behavior, lead to more traffic errors, decrease concentration and in general give more stress to drivers. Drivers report being much more relaxed in traffic and arrive at their destination with more focus and less stress.

What drivers say about DriveTag

“After a couple of months with DriveTag I realise that I drive in a more relaxed manner. Because of it’s simplicity, DriveTag makes it easy for me to implement it across the organization. My vision for this is: sustainable, safe and fun. That’s’ what we currently miss”.

Jan van Noord - SHE Manager Benelux & Nordics, Unilever

“There are many reasons for NOT to focus on safe and sustainable driving. DriveTag gives enterprises a good reason for doing it! It facilitates continuous improvement without creating barriers for drivers in terms of ease-of-use”.

Bart Flick - Manager eMobility Solutions, Eneco

“Do I drive more relaxed with DriveTag? Absolutely! The app notifies me when I brake or accelerate too hard, mostly after a long day at work. I like the competitive element as it stimulates everybody to do their best”.

Remi van Dam - Manager External Field Operations, VodafoneZiggo

“I have become way more conscious about how I drive. Without DriveTag as a real-time coach it simply would not happen. A bit of theory or an hour with a driving instructor will maybe work short term, but DriveTag is ongoing and make new habits stick ”.

Luuk van Kuik - Director Innovation Lab, Business Lease

Read more about DriveTag

The Beacon

Why DriveTag is such a unique piece of technology

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The Apps

How we coach and engage the driver with relevant feedback

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There are various ways to implement DriveTag, get inspired!

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Impact services

How we help you optimise your RoI with training and support

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