
Read and get inspired by the ribbons of others below. May we invite you to add yours? The more specific and personal, the better.

Winters with snow and a nut tree - Igor
Future perspective for my children - Anonymous
The forest and their inhabitants - Anonymous
I don't want to lose iceberg and as well the animals living around it - Yuhze Ma
I don't want to lose the seasons! - Alessia
Fun - Anonymous
The nature ecosystem and all the amazement it brings - Joost van Rietbergen
Arctic ice and million years of wisdom - Vimi
Protect our winters - Tyler
I don't want to lose maple products and trees! - Anonymous
Severe winters, a thick layer of snow and iceskatingtours - Anonymous
The preservation of wild bees and bumblebees - Anonymous
The preservation of wild bees and bumblebees - Anonymous
The preservation of wild bees and bumblebees - Matt Walling
A fossil free world for Jack - Anonymous
I don't want to miss out travelling the world - Anonymous
Seek for solutions, not mistakes - Anonymous
Seek for solutions, not mistakes - Anonymous
Freedom of choice - Anonymous
The stories that are still untold - Anonymous
My home - Anonymous
Humanity - Klaas
A worryfree future - Anonymous
I love our sacred home, Earth. Bless all creatures great and small. Water is life. - Vimi
I don't want to lose even more vulnerable species! - Alissia
The colourful Handelskade of dushi Curacao - Anonymous
Forests, gletsjers en wildlife at the artics - Anonymous
Political stability in my hometown - J. Perrin
Let us unite to make a difference - Frans
The blue caribian ocean full of life - Danja
For the climate against hunger - Clermont
I hope for the survival of all the peoples of the pacific and of the magical big sea turtles that are so playful - Marina Sage
I hope not to lose my homeland on the Sahara and not see my motherland drowning in the North Sea. - Danja
Hummingbirds and millions of flowers blossoming in summer. Snow flakes, each unique, in the winter. - Kjølhede
Sees without plastic - Eric
Biodiversity of the world and the places that are still free of nature - Gwen
Bright air to see and breathe, clear water to see and drink, clear green to see and eat ... - Anonymous
Hope, love, connection and decisiveness for nature - Anonymous
I wish that the rich nourishing green, the fertile clear water and the colorful diverse animal kingdom for just as many generations after us may be experienced for us. - Quirine

Send in your wish for 2023

